... And probably the last one, haha. I still have lots of drawings in my pocket, but without access to an A3 scanner that complicates a bit and it should at least do the sorting. But
short, drawing lessons came to an end quicker than expected (incompatible with life as a young architect, apparently) and I realized this week that I had not drawn (gender, not draw, not even griffouillis in a corner grocery list, nothing other than the arch, a little) since, um, a year. Painful realization that has resulted in an almost physical need to repeat - to the point where I opened a book upside down to have a blank page and I took my lunch break to try frantically to succeed at something.
The good news is that it will not lose like that drawing apparently. The bad news is that without a little time to devote to it will not be alone - when I think I knitted so much drawn as this year it makes me a little sad.
I am seriously considering posting pictures of knitting accomplishments on this blog, incidentally, which continues to sadden me ...
short, I think that post here can only motivate me, so here's one of my favorite pictures of my courses anat. It's certainly not the most fair, anatomically speaking, but I like the kind of energy that emerges and there is something in the composition that speaks to me too ...
EDIT: Oh and also, in this post Christmas 2008 when I was talking about a funny picture that I had forgotten about House? I found one of my folders in "picture pattern" clues that lead me to believe I had in mind a photomontage of the head of Hugh Laurie on the self-portrait of Van Gogh's severed ear.
For cons, I remember why plusaucun was supposed to be funny ...
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