Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Rash On My Stomach And Between My Boobs


You know, this ability to let things drag on for weeks / months / years? Well yesterday I fought against bin (Si) I * finally * bought a scanner, which is also printer - the coup is Greater Return Drawings, is not it wonderful?
if it is.

So, here are my efforts of the weekend. I was very satisfied at the time, like at all now, but it's not especially surprising .... I decided to finally correctly to realistic portraits. For the moment after photo is much less difficult and it can take too found without too much hassle (well, somewhat less in the gallery what. We understand.) I've done some single copy of others with a grid system for a more accurate result. It works not always. Anyway, here's the result:

Me and my sister, from a photo of us that I love:

the lower face is strange, but I like the look ...

the strange orange patch on the cheek is the paper that was acting up

I present to you Matthew Vincent, said the Cube, Adventurer Extraordinaire:

And now, laugh a bit (a term more to restore the current language) ... The next three drawings were done in Finland, in various states of alcohol, without looking at the paper . Portraits Louis and Mathieu have been looking at the model, the kitten's eyes closed ... I find them curiously resembling the same, which is pretty scary.
Colors grisouilles, because I had them in pencil on brown paper and my hat I'm a bit crushed in photoshop so they stand out more ...


Mathieu d'archi


Tuesday, April 8, 2008

How To Cite Something On The Cover Of A Book

Happy Birthday Mathieu Vincent

... With, what, 17 months late? But what 17 months between friends, eh.
So yes, I sorted my hotmail box the other day (do not ask questions about why. I had to delete a few thousand emails that day ...) and I stumbled on this drawing I scanned somewhere in October or November last year and who had one year at the time. Usually when I draw a picture for someone I have not put online, but given the time we will say that there are limitations - especially as the design itself is pretty bad (sorry Kuuybu, one day I 'll make you a property that you can hang next to your panel sect promise!) but the transcript of the dialogue that is causing me laugh a year later, which is always good to take ....

script: 11am
during MMO (or Materials and Implementation Course Who also called useless)
Me: What can I draw?
Cecilia: The Prof! In STRING!
me .... That's the anniversary of Matthew ...
Cecilia ... yes, so what?
-> then I said no.
Cecilia: A Cake!
Luke: A Pin-up!
CEC: a cake with a pin-up in!
Luke a Black Forest with a pin-up in!
Cec: or, or, or, A CAT!
me ... a cat?
-> I have not repeated.

Luke 11:10: and then the pin-up is spread with whipped cream and ....
Me: Luke? NAN.
CEC: Oh but you're also not funny, you always say no!
-> impessionnée Cécilienne the ability to change his mind, I said, goes for the pin-up. In the cake.
Me: Cecilia? If you were a pin-upu coming out of a cake, how you dress?
Cec ... I too want to identify myself there ...
Me: Luke?
Luke CANDY. Me &
CEC [full image mental pain] ... Ouch.
-> I had to improvise
Cec [look dubiously]: write it in the script.
Luke Ouaiiiiis!
-> So now, I assume, the ears, it was MY idea.

Luke 11:32: In fact, tell him zanniversaire merry, merry zanniversaire, zaaaanniversaiiiireuhhh merry, merry zanniversaire! on my part.
Me: it's done.
-> and that is, 17 months later (if still managed to pass mathieu this blog), it was done.
Me: hm, no, no rabbit ears. [Aah, hm-doubt, the artist.]
Luke [view Cocker beat]: Ooooh ...
Me: Instead of cat ears!
Luke [always disappointed]: good ... But you make him a whip then!
CEC: or a WHIP!
Luke with a nail in it!
-> it's good to have friends.

Good to reward (or not) who came to the end of this post, I present: THE SAME VERSION
BLING BLING. (Lovers of good taste and epileptic abstain)
And, no, I can not really explain why I did it ...

Attention les yeux...