Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Itching After Brazilian Wax Grows In

Gurtz band!

If the cutter earlier asked that the brush takes over! And go for the 20 Boyz Black Reach. Program, 2 spears rokets and Nobz, pliers and emblem. It begins with the Klassic with a large K.

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the Nobz Gurtz, he is tall, sharp and ready to stick a quick roll up that the first emblem path!

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painting is simple, everything is done with the new (well it's so new now) GW washes.

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The green skin is based on the following layers: base layer green Knarloc foundation, then wash Traka Green, then wash Gryphon Sepia and finally lightly brushed yellow sun.

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For the red blood and metal mithril, same technique, applying the base coat and then wash black Badade. Brushing on white metal, yellow and red achieves this effect pastel.

And now, more than to paint dozens more! To go fast, I painted 10 by 10 which reduces the impassable mountain side next painting. In two rounds, the squad is complete. The HD pictures are available on Flickr , then just to click the + above each photo.


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