Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Days After Exposure To Lice

anat Drawing, p.1

is probably the most interesting thing ever happened to me since this summer _ and the good news is that it starts every week, as I am in Strasbourg. I finally managed to enroll in courses in anatomical drawings from the time I do vulais.
Principle: two hours every Tuesday, we have a / e different model / e raises, raises and changes about every 5 or 10 minutes. It's pretty tiring: 10 minutes to draw a model in Black Square is short and it asks a lot of concentration. But it's incredibly informative and Ausi just too cool.

I'll try to post a regular selection of drawings from the previous week. I have already Perform three sessions (not this week because of vacation), it leaves me little room for advance ...

The first meeting: 10.07.2009, female model.

And my favorite

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Can Noxplode Cause An Enlarged Heart?

Lazy doodles

In this post, a few drawings in progress (yes, I once again of course where I have nothing better to do than draw. And I'm not much more. Life is good.).
These drawings are generally based photos, at least for the position overall. In all honesty I find it especially interesting, but it gives me the opportunity to check in somewhere ...

The first two, it's because you can never leave Japan, but Japan will not come out entirely ...

The last test is a big plan to try to work on the expressions

Racquetball Injuries Shoes


Bon, bin, here, as usual, months of hiatus, but that it should be better. In one month mininmum gland in perspective, and then who knows how long unemployment, it leaves time to catch the design, fortunately.
Accordingly, we go for the (relatively) large postage!

The first is almost sentimental, it was the sign on our door workshop to present the various diplomas from the new to help us finish our project for the Diploma of October. They had voted for the Alien theme (dis), suddenly everyone was an alien representative ...

was therefore left to right, for those who have not recognized:
Zoydberg Futurama, Spok from Star Trek, the "woman" Mars Attacks, Alf .. Alf, Chewbacca, Leeloo Dallas, Sulli Monster Inc., Bender from Futurama, Dipsy Teletubbies Candy for Space Goofs, Michael Jackson and the Diva of the 5th element.

A landowner has slipped into this collection of alien, can you find?
(Careful, there's a catch!)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Connect Front Jacks To Soundblaster Audigy Se

A 100% green on the Paris ring

An advertisement 100% green on the Paris ring road up to the Porte de Clichy, designed for PEFC. PEFC France launches this year and for the first 2 years taught French plant entirely ecological.

the occasion of his 10th birthday, PEFC displayed in September 2009 for a period of two years on the roof of a building along the ring Paris at the Porte de Clichy. PEFC sign and its first four letters teaches French and sustainable plant.

on an original idea Cédric Peiffer (Evoo agency), a professor at more than 20m high tower above the Paris ring from September 2009 to September 2011, where 230,000 vehicles pass per day!

The message consists of four letters PEFC, a single hook - "For our forests" - and the address of his blog [ our] for a result ecological and responsible
  • lettering are made of plants
  • logos, text and designs are made from PEFC certified wood
  • lights are LEDs made
  • irrigation waters will be recycled for rational consumption.

Opened Thursday, September 24, the brand has been warmly welcomed by the trade press and general public. It took over a year to enable this project to emerge.

On the French site of the body,
you can download beautiful wallpaper.

Related articles ... :

Communication : la pub qui verdit le périphérique parisien Communication: The pub greens the Parisian ring (Le Figaro - September 25, 2009)

Site du PEFC international Site PEFC International

Site du PEFC France Site PEFC France

De sublimes fonds d'écran sur le site du PEFC Sublime wallpapers on the site PEFC

Monday, October 5, 2009

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Google AdSense for mobile Google Adwords

Friday, September 25, 2009

Vitamix 3600 Instructions

for agencies

Google Adwords for agencies: series of 5 video tutorials to control the functionality of Adwords from Beginner to Professional level

Beginners: Learn the basics of creating a campaign Keyword

Intermediate: Identify areas for improvement, and maximize performance

Advanced: Discover the content network and run your ads "display"

Level Expert: Take advantage of our analysis tools to boost your performance.

Career Level: Create a Multi-Center Accounts and enjoy the benefits of monthly billing.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Swatch Maybelline Dream Mousse Peach

Builder AdWords ads

Related articles ... :

Article Blog e-Publicité 5 tips for a successful Adwords campaign (July 26, 2009)

Article Blog e-Publicité Google Ad Planner (April 28, 2009)

Article Blog e-Publicité Creator inserts for Adwords ads (March 26, 2009)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Waxing A Landing Strip

5 tips for a successful Adwords campaign

  1. Making the announcement so the lot:
    Include special offers, discounts;
    Include incentives for action text;
    Highlighting the unique selling points (discounts, free shipping, secure payment);

  2. The specific keywords triggering your ad must be relevant to the ad text

  3. Leading Internet directly to the right information:
    Choose a destination URL in connection with the advertised product in the ad text;
    This can lead to a sale more quickly

  4. Enable ads on the content network

  5. Stay informed on the latest news on Adwords:
    video presentation Chain Business Google YouTube;
    Subscribe to the blog Adwords: ;
    Participate in online seminars;

Friday, July 17, 2009

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Observatory of e-advertising

The Union Boards Internet (SRI) and Capgemini Consulting presented the results of the first edition of the observatory e-pub. This study by Capgemini Consulting in the IRS initiative, aims to measure the French market for online advertising communication in all its dimensions (display, search, directories, affiliation, e-mailing, comparators, mobile) on a turnover net.

In 2008, the market for online advertising communication is valued at 2 billion euros net. It increased 23% compared to 2007 and confirms the dynamism of the Internet medium and its place in the heart of brand communication strategies.

For Luc Tran-Thang, Chairman of the IRS "It seemed essential, within the IRS to have for the first time vision of the entire advertising revenue generated by digital media. The Internet is not a media invested in mono-segment, but in combination of solutions. With net sales of 2 billion euros, the digital media demonstrate their importance and weight in the advertising landscape. "

In 2008, all segments of the online communication recorded a double-digit growth.

  • The leader of this market segment is the search (sponsored links) with 800 M € in turnover (+35% in 2008), thanks to a wide portfolio of advertisers.
  • The display (the graphic advertising), in second place, continues to grow in 2008 (+10% in 2008, 510 M € of turnover) led by special operations agent, on average, 17% of the turnover of this segment and under that offers performance: 11% of turnover.
  • Internet directories which, even more than the search, capitalize on a large volume of advertisers, representing € 420 million in sales (+ 25% in 2008).
  • In a demanding market environment, affiliation (+30% in 2008, € 140 million in sales) has attracted new advertisers, attracted by the pay for performance.
  • In a similar vein, the price comparison sites take advantage of the tendency to optimize the shopping basket (15% in 2008, € 90M).
  • e-mailing (direct marketing online) is, meanwhile, 130 M € turnover
  • (+10% in 2008).
  • Finally, the mobile has received in 2008, the craze for mobile multi media and the success of attractive offers data offered by operators. This will bring eventually all the factors necessary to launch advertising Mobile.

"Now advertisers use the online massively to deploy their brand strategies, generate traffic and boost the purchasing act. By comparison, revenues from online now represent 59% of those on TV, "said Jerome Bourgeais, Associate Director - Capgemini Consulting.

In 2008, the dynamism of the Internet continues to be driven by growth in both the number of users and time spent. It has, moreover, the boom of new uses (social networks, video, ...)

Attractiveness Media is strengthened and the emergence of new marketing methods should facilitate access to new media advertisers.

Trends 2009 ... The Internet has the means to take its game advertising.

investments on the Internet are expected to grow 14% over 2009, increasing the share of Internet media in the mix multi-media. The Internet still has a wide margin of structural progression: the hearing and the time spent online will continue to grow while new advertisers are still to be conquered.

Flexible, responsive, measurable and yet accessible, the Internet also presents attractive characteristics in times of crisis. Even if current investments will vary from one sector to another, depending on the maturity of the players, their exposure to economic conditions and their logic media investment, the market share of the Internet should continue progression.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Does Gettin Genital Warts Removed Hurt

A Adwords advertising credit

Crédit Google Adwords de 100€ Google Adwords offers your first campaign!
€ 100 advertising credit offered to those who have not yet Adwords account.
Watch your inbox!

More ... :

Google Adwords Google Adwords

Friday, June 5, 2009

Invitation Wording To An Island Party

Forums rides the wave 'everyone has hair'

OVH continues on the same theme as that used by Romain Mesnil at the launch of its buzz.

Biscuit Recipe From Pancake Mix

Spending publiciaire

Statistiques de la Newspapaer Association of America

The advertising revenue of the printing press has dropped 28% in the 1 st quarter of 2009 with a loss of $ 2.6 billion. Advertising fight against the crisis. Overall and all media combined, its revenues rose just 1% in 2008, and the figure 2009 is attedu down 6% to 7%. In this rugged landscape, an area not known the crisis: the mobile segment.

The firm Juniper estimates that overall advertising on mobile will expand and grow to $ 6 billion in 2014. This equates to a 34% growth in annual ryhtme period. "Indeed, it is possible that the recession is really an opportunity for mobile brands will look increasingly to shift their spending to targeted and measurable media," wrote the report's author, Windsor Holden, principal analyst at Juniper. In the past, the SMS was the main platform for mobile advertising, but in 2009 it will be exceeded by the cost of mobile internet advertising. Juniper provides that advertising spending on the segment of the mobile Internet will peak in 2011 "before falling ... because other media will emerge" again according to Holden. Juniper expects a breakthrough in personal ads as a vector of the most significant among the "other channels" increase by 64% annually. The firm Juniper also provides significant growth of advertising on the screensavers and MMS advertising by 2014.

A major factor limiting the growth of mobile advertising is that companies do not trust him are still viable as an advertising medium. "Regardless of advantages of mobile - its personal nature, the highly targeted advertising - advertisers will not commit more budget until they perceive that the audience for their advertising reaches critical mass "Holden stated.

The overall advertising expenditure was $ 500 billion in 2008, and total expenditure for the mobile segment of $ 1.3 billion.

More ... :

Site de la Newspaper Association of America Statistics Publicity paper from 1950 to today

Thursday, June 4, 2009

How To Configure Zimbra Mail Server

Forums rides the wave HAS HAIR '

the eve of holidays, OVH continues the theme launched by Romain Mesnil for viral buzz HAS HAIR '.

As for the launch of the first video of Romain Mesnil, the launch of the commercial is set Monday. By the time the buzz goes up this weekend, story at 10 am Monday, after the coffee machine, everyone has to go.

With a Facebook group in 1000 and only a teaser Youtube viewed 3000 times the first day, not sure it works as well as the first time.

More ... :

Article Blog e-Publicité Romain Mesnil: Auction flop (April 9, 2009)

Article Blog e-Publicité Sponsorship Romain Mesnil (April 6, 2009)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Italian Vintage Cocktail Inspired Wear


Tvb Movies Vietnamese
