Sunday, October 5, 2008

How Long Will My Mouth Positioner Hurt?


*** *** INGREDIENTS 150g butter-
-150g icing sugar
-2 yolk
2c.a tablespoons cocoa
-1/2verre ground roasted peanuts and
-1sachet baking powder, flour
-chocolate-peanut ground
1.In a bowl, work the butter well with sugar, add eggs, cocoa, peanuts and yeast chimique.Ramasser the mixture with the flour until a dough fermz enough.
2.On a work plan, roll the dough with a rolling pattisserie to a thickness of 2cm.
3.Découper rounds with a cookie cutter 6cm in diameter, the nup on a plate, then bake.
4.Once the cakes have cooled, dip in chocolate icing, then garnish with ground peanuts.


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