Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Honeywell Controls Stopped Working


Ohohohoh CHALLENGE club, the Galaxy ....

Or not. In short, a challenge to me to me to miss taf j (we will), and better quo ide That a blog for someone gland? Much, of course, but there it is still almost discreet. I would rather use that time to draw but curiously I doubt that even Thomas, the tutor least stressful of the Universe, sees a good eye that I sort my sketchbook ...
So my challenge: post at least once a day for one week. I'll try to have designs to put online too, if only the little scribbles of Morocco - and maybe some fanart of HP 7.

Rules spoilers: since I am a friendly (not in fact, as I value my life and I know that a lion could read this blog a fennui day and would not hesitate to pull out my fingernails with my own teeth, or worse, DO GROZIEUX, if I inadvertently spoils), anything that might look like a spoiler is carefully reported, and Previews drawings will be spoiler-free as promised. To avoid spoiler reviews, I ... will ask Flomra to blunder because it can only be liable to the poster that read (the others, you fear, that's all.)

In fact, just to see who reads this blog Occasionally, I propose that everyone reading this post a word - oh, and the first who tells me where does the first sentence of this post entitled to request the drawing of their choice, with very small limits around (yes, I just added it to reread the post, suddenly bad memories of me demnde drawing income in the lead, and although I doubt that the word "slug" will return in this context, Ham taught me caution). Or a post-ode to him, if he / she has no desire for a drawing, it can be funny.


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