Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Remove Starter Stud Earrings

The Scottish way

Okok, I pleiiiin of explaining to do on this drawing but uh, a, they convince anyone of two, I love it as much as I am ashamed (a lot).
If someone wants to retain a modicum of respect for me, he is asked to stop reading NOW.

The question was to draw a picture for the birthday of Harry (Harry Potter yes, July 31, as everyone knows. And no I'm not late, the English hour I'm still in time, and then saw the gift he cares behind Harry and then there are no We do not care ... and I sleep deprivation. yes.), a figure spoiler person, and I want to finish. In the books Harry normal frame would be 18 years from its date of births alleged after the publication of the first book, he would have 27. Doonc anyway he is an adult.

What better gift to offer, so I ask you, as his class enemy in a kilt. (I was told there was a long story behind this? Not so much the better because it would be a lie.)

Happy Birthday Harry!

PS: I will post the completed version and more comment (or not) on time.
PS2: someone around me is especially grateful for this, um, masterpiece. But to preserve the dignity of one called by V. Mathieu, or for more discretion Mr. Vincent will remain anonymous.


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