yaya ke Ka slipper.
Yeah, so, as I have not been able to post office because I, uh, nothing to put online (the intensive search of all my image files has brought to the surface a lot of stuff that should have remain at the bottom, like this picture of me or in front of Saint Zeno the Yatta choreography and costume performed live by engineers during our evening decay, but no drawings Postable), and it is better late than ever: Some drawings
class trip to Marrakech. Today the "serious", in times to come and drawings of the menagerie-trips on holiday ... The post is to show people that the arch is still serious study. Where we are strongly encouraged to turn their backs and start to draw when the teacher explains something.
Viewpoint technique is pencil on sheets of lightly tinted - recolored, and recontrasté relevelisé with photoshop, because I wanted. PAr cons N o defect has been improved to the computer, allowing everyone to realize how science point of straight line or parallel escapes me when I'm not two days to make a drawing.
Oh, and here now I'm tired of the thumbnails, they will try to see the full images!
short, first the architecture (siii, it happens to design buildings. I just like too much, that's all. This sometimes has bad side when you want to become architects but do what you can).
The Madrasa (drawn from the window of a room of students at that time. Now there must be the world of big German children show their holiday photos with me as a picturesque detail. Glory finally.)
A view inside the Museum of Marrakech
A column. (Bin yes, I know where it comes from, it. Ca then be just a "column")
Coming up, some bystanders and the menagerie
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