Tuesday, April 28, 2009

White Chunky Cervical Fluid

Google Ad Planner

This new tool developed by Google is for advertisers who want to better target the audience. It complements Adwords. It is available in beta version and currently allows:

  • define its target audience for the ads;
  • find sites that match the hearing sought;
  • construct and analyze a media plan.

This new tool offers a range of new features such as:

  • access to detailed data from sites in 40 countries: nb of pages viewed, unique visitors, nb impressions, clicks etc nb.
  • selection geographic, demographic, according to the activity on the net (keyword typed into the search tools etc.).
  • selection of sites to large audiences or more specialized sites;
  • filter sites based on format inserts publicitaitres accepted for the class of domain name suffix so.
  • managing multiple media plans concomittents;

The data used by advertisers are a from those blogs and sites collected through Google Analytics and other data collected at the user level, by opt-in or not (keywords Searched Road cycled through ...) It also uses demographic data from raw third or estimates when no data is available.

All this will make the shadow companies like Nielsen, comScore, Quantcast, Hitwise and Alexa who provide completed data analysis, all included in a delivery fee. The tool offered by Google is currently offered free of charge.

This tool will also identify sites with a leader more uniformity in the thing measured. So far the leadership battle was done shots of tools that did not measure the same thing, each affiliating his website / blog to a service flow, different stats based on their own needs. Except for Feedburner (now part of Google) that was shed for the service flow. Google in common, that many bloggers are not present if only because the range of services of high quality and free is extended. Ad Sense Analytics and Feedburner services are widely used around the world.

The Marquette went there for their critical ( as this post on Marketing Conceil ): yes but The totals are different from those of Feedburner, and by taking such proportion of marginal percentage relative to the parallax of the hypotenuse of subscribers to the RSS feed before I am a such in the Wikio ranking ... All these stories of precedence as to who is who in the front rank (pay what is more topdesblogs.com ). While Google provides a service that is free in 40 countries and far more powerful than the rank topdesblogs sit for a communications campaign.

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Google Ad Planner Google Ad Planner

Support Google Ad Planner Support Google Ad Planner

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Welcome Message In A Blog Saxmples

Stivostin I Want To Work

Self Promotion for the original web project leader who made his buzzer search for employment through a video on Dailymotion. Result of the site homepage, 18000 visualizations. And a proposal for an ad agency.

masterstroke, stunt or fluke?

Spotted by a content manager at DailyMotion, she is promoted and achieved in a few days tens of thousands of viewings. Meanwhile, on YouTube, the same video is not even a thousand visualizations.

So masterstroke or pure chance?

More ... :

Son site internet - stivostin.fr His website: stivostin.fr

Vidéo sur Youtube « Je veux Travailler » Video on Youtube "I want to work"

Vidéo sur Dailymotion « Je veux Travailler » Video on Dailymotion " I want to work "

Monday, April 20, 2009

How Did Myammee Get Famous

advertising companies for twitter! Romain Mesnil

Twitter And yes you read correctly! After the mobile advertising (including integrated Google), here the advertising twitter. Definitely the pub looks increasingly to small or micro formats formats. Sign of the times or underlying trend? Crisis and penniless clients with very small budgets or clearing markets of tomorrow?

When you think that it's twitter microbloggage in a format of 140 characters, and in this format must cram a ticket as a url and easy! If adding an advertising link is limited because suicidal. Dividing by 2 then the chances that people go see his full post on the blog. Not necessarily if we consider the chirp heard on the other side of the Atlantic. Sounds that make Twitter the next Google prey. Now that says purchase by Google , said entry into the system case by monetizing Google . Indeed, Friday, April 17, 2009, reports that "Google would be very, very happy to help Twitter or other websites of immediate communication to make money," said Thursday its CEO Eric Schmidt, referring to ways to monetize micro-blogging site.

As sussurre Dreamside in his post about Twitpub before going up to around improbable concepts of micro-advertising, Twitter should start by finding a business model that makes sense.

TwitPub : advertising accessible via a twitter account premium.

Magpie : advertising that sends twits in 'borrowing' on behalf of its policyholders and pays based on the number of followers and the popularity of topics.

Twittad : advertising agency which proposes to add the pub on his Twitter profile page. Advantage news feeds are streams of info. Disadvantages: hardly anyone will watch the profile page on twitter.

TwitterHawk : Intrusive but not much. Start-up that provides advertising agencies targeting accounts to seek: the target-marketing. Useful way to water and avoid spam.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Right Way To Steam Bath

The Caterpillars are here!

  • Caterpillars
I first models built unit, which I then cast at will. This is a very simple model of caterpillar. Rectangular, it can be easily assembled to form a uniform track 15mm wide.
In this case, 24 links can assemble roughly 21cm long.

Bulk side in fast position, wheel on front
Once the caterpillars bases made, it remains for me to build a side to receive them.
The caterpillars are assembled with the patafix, but once bonded, they coincide perfectly.
can see by the rear flank. It will in future receive a fastening system or simply be pasted directly into a vehicle.

I then added details. I tried to do as simple as possible while having a minimal realism. The stems are black striped recovery from an old tube.
Once molded, it can then receive the caterpillars. This will allow me to vary at will the caterpillars and shapes of the sidewalls.

As this is a first test, the basic form is relatively simple. Now that I have validated the system, I can move on to more complex models.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Network Controller Driver Toshiba M300

: Auction flop

While the auction had started on top speed reaching the massive amount of 70,000 euros, after retraction, verification of identity and control the auction, the auction amount for the batch stamped professional painfully reached 5700 euros per day the closing auction. Operation

just flop is for this new form of sponsorship has opened yet imaginative athlete Romain Mesnil.

[EDIT 10/04/2009 8:00] : Bids for sponsoring pro are now closed. They reached € 16 100.

Résultat des enchères du contrat de sponsoring pour Romain MESNIL
Click to enlarge image

More ... :

Invité du Grand Journal sur Canal - 1 avril 2009 Invited Grand Journal on Canal + (1 st April 2009)

Europe 1 - 5 avril 2009 Europe 1 - Romain Mesnil guest 'Make yourself at home'

Rejoindrte son groupe de soutien Facebook Join the Facebook support group

Enchère eBay de Romain MESNIL See his bid sponsoring pro

Pole vaulter Romain Mesnil

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Can I Get Herpes From Trying On Clothes

A wheel is good, but it is not enough! Introduction

  • Wheels
Go a little teasing history to prolong the suspense:) Following is ready and coming soon!
It is based on a PVC tube of 32mm internal diameter, a width of 20mm. The type of pipe that is found in the sink of the bathroom after all:)


From left to right wheel motorcycle, truck, and mine cart, all proportional both in diameter that in height.


As I am lazy as fuck, why redo something that has already been done once? As they say, we will not re-invent the wheel;)

As you can see, the copies are of good quality. My medium term goal is to have different variants which to base my creations. Other elements "bases" are planned.

Monday, April 6, 2009

King Kamehameha Quote

Sponsorship Romain Mesnil

initiated a new form of Personnal Branding intended to sell sponsorships. The goal is for him to land a sponsorship deal with a sponsor-supplier. Recall that Romain Mesnil previously as a sponsor Nike. Note also that Romain Mesnil took a courageous stand during the holding of the Beijing Olympics in 2008, mainly by not hesitating to make their voices heard about human rights, unfortunately too often ignored in Tibet. In the new approach that opens the game is to showcase his athletic body in the exercise of his sport. The aim is to attract the eyes of potential sponsors and encourage the signing of a sponsorship deal.

This was preceded by wearing a jersey with a question mark instead of the usual brand sponsorship. During this phase, the objective was to draw attention to himself and his status as an athlete without a sponsor. That period having taken place without any sponsorship proposal has resulted, the vaulter has decided to move to the next phase.

is the second and final rocket stage: the auction on eBay for two sponsorship contracts (one for an individual, a company or a supplier). The auction was preceded by a viral buzzing with operation of a video on Youtube on the model, next week I take off the bottom. In fact it went very quickly unrolled. Buzzing on the first video, the next broadcast of the video and full bids on eBay. The whole interspersed with press conferences and promotional activities in the media.

Mise en vente aux enchères du contrat de sponsoring pour Romain MESNIL

But enough talk Romain Mesnil. "When I dropped my supplier is more than a third of my income is gone. Many athletes have trouble finding sponsors. After each Olympics, it gets worse. But in athletics is a long term trend. And at my age (31 years Ed.), we say that it is better to bet on youth. "

[...]" I will respect the rules of the international federation, including tobacco, alcohol , the offensive language or another. " [...] "I take the risk, even if I have to promote a website erotic

The word is out. Erotic. It is true that he has done everything to attract the sponsorship erotic. First element, exposing her nakedness, and agree to be filmed naked. It reminds a touch rugby players and their famous calendar. But it also implies the acceptance of a possible role of gay icon. Second item: the rise of the Marais (rue Vieille du Temple). So third and final element: the little phrase on the acceptance of sponsorship from an adult site.

The operation is also relayed on social networks: Facebook in particular through a formal group

Groupe de support à l'initiative de Romain MESNIL

More ... :

Invité du Grand Journal sur Canal - 1 avril 2009 Invited Grand Journal on Canal + (1 st April 2009)

Europe 1 - 5 avril 2009 Europe 1 - Romain Mesnil guest 'Make yourself at home'

Rejoindrte son groupe de soutien Facebook Join the Facebook support group

Enchère eBay de Romain MESNIL See listing of its sponsoring pro

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Scorpio Man Likes But Said No

Introduction For some time I have been working hard behind the scenes to prepare you for the great content and this time, I do not work alone. I am helping a colleague ork Brazilian, Socrates Kentaro, better known by the nickname PeaceKraft TheWaaagh on the forum.

We are working on a joint project by bringing our expertise to each project medium-long term. Our goal? Create for our use, a flexible vehicle can serve as an alternative to the figure of our favorite game. He is gifted in many things, but what caught my attention with him are his drawings. In this project, we can say he holds the pencil and I want the knife. This exchange is of course possible thanks to the Internet.

Not too much free time and therefore in order to maximize its returns in terms of time up our project, I decided to cast all that I would build. I will not need to spend too much time on individual elements that are found everywhere, wheels, tracks, turrets etc ... and it will leave me more time for the rest of the project.

So I set out to find the Holy Grail, and after many trials (misses:)), I ended up improving my technique. This process is very expensive, but that does not stop me. Once mastered the techniques of molding, the project could actually start.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Wordings For Fashions

molding and plastic card

As you can see on my new items, I went to the top step, after creating and painting 28mm scale model, I now experience the reproduction of my small series own creations. course, all the castings and published on the website "The plastic card "are 100% creations from plastic card which I am the author. To be clear, no room protected by copyright or copies will be molded , this is strictly prohibited and liable to being pursued by law. From there, I will not do a tutorial on casting model. The plastic card will remain a site model creation from plastic card. For those interested in learning more about casting, web sites that specialize in this area exist.