Thursday, April 9, 2009

Network Controller Driver Toshiba M300

: Auction flop

While the auction had started on top speed reaching the massive amount of 70,000 euros, after retraction, verification of identity and control the auction, the auction amount for the batch stamped professional painfully reached 5700 euros per day the closing auction. Operation

just flop is for this new form of sponsorship has opened yet imaginative athlete Romain Mesnil.

[EDIT 10/04/2009 8:00] : Bids for sponsoring pro are now closed. They reached € 16 100.

Résultat des enchères du contrat de sponsoring pour Romain MESNIL
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Invité du Grand Journal sur Canal - 1 avril 2009 Invited Grand Journal on Canal + (1 st April 2009)

Europe 1 - 5 avril 2009 Europe 1 - Romain Mesnil guest 'Make yourself at home'

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Enchère eBay de Romain MESNIL See his bid sponsoring pro

Pole vaulter Romain Mesnil


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