Monday, April 6, 2009

King Kamehameha Quote

Sponsorship Romain Mesnil

initiated a new form of Personnal Branding intended to sell sponsorships. The goal is for him to land a sponsorship deal with a sponsor-supplier. Recall that Romain Mesnil previously as a sponsor Nike. Note also that Romain Mesnil took a courageous stand during the holding of the Beijing Olympics in 2008, mainly by not hesitating to make their voices heard about human rights, unfortunately too often ignored in Tibet. In the new approach that opens the game is to showcase his athletic body in the exercise of his sport. The aim is to attract the eyes of potential sponsors and encourage the signing of a sponsorship deal.

This was preceded by wearing a jersey with a question mark instead of the usual brand sponsorship. During this phase, the objective was to draw attention to himself and his status as an athlete without a sponsor. That period having taken place without any sponsorship proposal has resulted, the vaulter has decided to move to the next phase.

is the second and final rocket stage: the auction on eBay for two sponsorship contracts (one for an individual, a company or a supplier). The auction was preceded by a viral buzzing with operation of a video on Youtube on the model, next week I take off the bottom. In fact it went very quickly unrolled. Buzzing on the first video, the next broadcast of the video and full bids on eBay. The whole interspersed with press conferences and promotional activities in the media.

Mise en vente aux enchères du contrat de sponsoring pour Romain MESNIL

But enough talk Romain Mesnil. "When I dropped my supplier is more than a third of my income is gone. Many athletes have trouble finding sponsors. After each Olympics, it gets worse. But in athletics is a long term trend. And at my age (31 years Ed.), we say that it is better to bet on youth. "

[...]" I will respect the rules of the international federation, including tobacco, alcohol , the offensive language or another. " [...] "I take the risk, even if I have to promote a website erotic

The word is out. Erotic. It is true that he has done everything to attract the sponsorship erotic. First element, exposing her nakedness, and agree to be filmed naked. It reminds a touch rugby players and their famous calendar. But it also implies the acceptance of a possible role of gay icon. Second item: the rise of the Marais (rue Vieille du Temple). So third and final element: the little phrase on the acceptance of sponsorship from an adult site.

The operation is also relayed on social networks: Facebook in particular through a formal group

Groupe de support à l'initiative de Romain MESNIL

More ... :

Invité du Grand Journal sur Canal - 1 avril 2009 Invited Grand Journal on Canal + (1 st April 2009)

Europe 1 - 5 avril 2009 Europe 1 - Romain Mesnil guest 'Make yourself at home'

Rejoindrte son groupe de soutien Facebook Join the Facebook support group

Enchère eBay de Romain MESNIL See listing of its sponsoring pro


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